hoe do you feel about hayleijah?
Blech, hate it. Hate it hard. Honestly I think it’s a really disturbing relationship and the treatment it gets within the show makes me really uncomfortable. It veers way too far into Bella and Edward territory for me to deal with, I think there are a lot of seriously unhealthy aspects that are totally glossed over or worse, played off as romantic instead of scary. I think their relationship makes both Elijah and Hayley seem kind of one dimensional (or should I say makes Hayley seem even more one dimensional) and on a narrative level they just don’t make a lot of sense to me.
Firstly I just don’t really understand the progression of their relationship development. Like, I don’t get why they like each other so much or believe that they’re in love with each other. I think DG and PT have okay natural chemistry, but the entire ship seems to ride on that and not much else. The emotional involvement they seem to have with each other seems really disproportionate given what has actually happened between them (which seems to me like it’s almost nothing). I think that the writers saw the organic chemistry between DG and PT in the pilot and just decided to go all in on the ship (especially since none of the other ships really took off in the way they expcected), but I think they way overplayed their hand. I think their chemistry was good but not great (I think DG’s chemistry with ND and PT’s chemistry with MT was miles better), and they didn’t really take the time to give Haylijah an actual plot. Like, it was all of a sudden just there. They met once and when Elijah came home from his vacay in coffinville they were in love. It just felt a little odd and out of nowhere to me, and they haven’t really done anything since to actually explain why Haylijah is OTP.
I also think that Haylijah just makes Elijah super lame. It’s pretty much become the central focus of his character and I think it’s completely to his character’s detriment. Elijah is a character who is always focused on other characters, and Hayley is much less developed than characters like Klaus and Rebekah so by extension Elijah’s story isn’t as interesting. I think the focus on Haylijah has damaged Hayley’s potential as well, because Haylijah has become such a focus of her character that it has hindered potential development she could have had. Haylijah is a very straightforward classic romance, so Hayley and Elijah both have to fulfill the classic romance hero and romance heroine roles even though those roles don’t really suit them. And because they can’t really venture too far outside of those archetypes it seems to me like their characters have both kind of stalled.
But putting narrative issues aside, I think their relationship is actually really unsettling. I mean, it’s meant to be a straightforward romance but it’s actually a pretty abusive relationship in my opinion. Elijah is a thousand years old and Hayley is barely 20 and has an extremely limited world view. Elijah has been essentially using Hayley’s desire for family to manipulate her into willingly staying in a situation that he knows for a fact will most likely get her killed. Hayley has already experienced physical and psychological harm as a result of her continued presence in New Orleans, so I think that Elijah’s behavior is tantamount to psychological and emotional abuse.
I think it’s also clear in his behavior that he doesn’t really love her and his relationship with her is completely about himself. He idealizes her in a way that has absolutely nothing with the person she is. And to be fair, she does the exact same thing with him. But the big difference to me is that Hayley idealizing Elijah and believing she’s in love with him doesn’t really put him in any danger, whereas Elijah’s “love” of Hayley puts her in mortal danger. It’s not at all acceptable or okay, but he knows exactly how Klaus feels about the situation and he knows the most likely ending to this little tryst if he keeps pushing. But he keeps pushing. So while his love masquerades as benevolent (and I think Elijah may truly believe that he benevolently loves Hayley) it’s really all about Elijah, Hayley is just the prop in the same way that Katherine and Klaus have been his props for hundreds of years before that.
I don’t like how much Elijah manipulates and controls her life, and while I appreciate that she resists sometimes I wish she would resist a little more. It’s just way too close to “oh he controls me because he loves me so much and can’t stand to see me hurt”. There is absolutely nothing romantic about that kind of behavior to me, and I hate that TO completely romanticizes it. I hate that Elijah is meant to be the romantic hero when he’s a holier than thou control freak. And all the watching Hayley from afar without her knowing isn’t sweet or romantic, it’s just fucking creepy.
I’m just generally not one for classic romance stories. I hate The Notebook and all things Nicholas Sparks, so I’m really disinclined to anything that sappy and straightforward like Stelena or Haylijah. But I think the problems with Haylijah run pretty deep and are really alarming, so it actually really freaks me out that they’re playing it out like an aspirational relationship. I can normally deal with messed up scenarios and story lines as long as the fact that they are messed up is acknowledged, but I can’t stand the fact that the problematic aspects of Haylijah are completely ignored, which in turn completely puts me off the entire relationship.
Opinion Time
So yeah, ever since the start of TO I feel like I’m not into Haylijah at all. I’ve always found it incredibly creepy that they have been very clearly fawning over each other from day one, and I’ve found it especially creepy that Elijah doesn’t seem to mind putting the moves on the girl who is pregnant with his brothers child. At least with Hayley I can sort of understand her thought process, she’s always wanted anyone to look out for her and take care of her, but for Elijah to go after her when it’s clear that her attraction to him is based on that desire for comfort and stability, when he has 1,000 years of life experience and she has 20 (and what appears to be an extremely limited, narrow 20), and when he knows how Klaus feels like he lives in the constant shadow of Elijah and the women Elijah chooses over him, is really alarming (and doesn’t really speak towards Elijah having Hayley’s well being at heart).
But honestly I’ve always felt a nagging discomfort beyond all of the obvious problems with Haylijah that I’ve never really been able to pinpoint until now. What I’ve finally realized about their relationship that I find really unsettling is that the only reason Elijah is Team Hayley right now is because Hayley is Team Elijah. Elijah and Hayley are really only getting along because Hayley is always deferring to Elijah and agreeing with everything he says. But seriously, how long do you think their flirtation would last if that wasn’t the case?
Now, I admit I’m slightly biased, because while I wouldn’t call myself a Klaus stan I do feel the irrational need to defend him a lot, and I’ve always kind of disliked Elijah because he’s basically a Klaus who knows how to spin his own PR. He constantly claims honor and nobility over everything, but when honor and nobility get in the way of what he wants he never hesitates to abandon them in favor of his own self-interest. I mean, he constantly fawned over Elena too, but the minute it became in his interest to threaten and hurt her he didn’t even think twice about it (and I’m sorry, but his little pity party about the monsters he and his family became didn’t erase or excuse what he did).
So seriously, how do you think he would be treating Hayley if she weren’t always falling in line? How would he feel about her if she wasn’t constantly giving him those dreamy-eyed stares, but instead was distant and afraid of him? What do you think he would do if she decided she didn’t want the baby around any of the Originals, including him (which I think we can all agree is the only sane thing to do)? Does anyone seriously think for a second that he would just let her go? Of course he wouldn’t, if she ever wanted to leave or get away from him he would treat her exactly like Klaus does, a prisoner. And a gilded cage is still a cage, no matter how pretty it looks from the outside or how willing someone is to be imprisoned. (And to be clear, I think pretty much every TO ship has a major creepy yuck factor, but I think Haylijah is by far the most romanticized and least negatively discussed ship when it’s just as yucky and creepy ship.)
Blech, hate it. Hate it hard. Honestly I think it’s a really disturbing relationship and the treatment it gets within the show makes me really uncomfortable. It veers way too far into Bella and Edward territory for me to deal with, I think there are a lot of seriously unhealthy aspects that are totally glossed over or worse, played off as romantic instead of scary. I think their relationship makes both Elijah and Hayley seem kind of one dimensional (or should I say makes Hayley seem even more one dimensional) and on a narrative level they just don’t make a lot of sense to me.
Firstly I just don’t really understand the progression of their relationship development. Like, I don’t get why they like each other so much or believe that they’re in love with each other. I think DG and PT have okay natural chemistry, but the entire ship seems to ride on that and not much else. The emotional involvement they seem to have with each other seems really disproportionate given what has actually happened between them (which seems to me like it’s almost nothing). I think that the writers saw the organic chemistry between DG and PT in the pilot and just decided to go all in on the ship (especially since none of the other ships really took off in the way they expcected), but I think they way overplayed their hand. I think their chemistry was good but not great (I think DG’s chemistry with ND and PT’s chemistry with MT was miles better), and they didn’t really take the time to give Haylijah an actual plot. Like, it was all of a sudden just there. They met once and when Elijah came home from his vacay in coffinville they were in love. It just felt a little odd and out of nowhere to me, and they haven’t really done anything since to actually explain why Haylijah is OTP.
I also think that Haylijah just makes Elijah super lame. It’s pretty much become the central focus of his character and I think it’s completely to his character’s detriment. Elijah is a character who is always focused on other characters, and Hayley is much less developed than characters like Klaus and Rebekah so by extension Elijah’s story isn’t as interesting. I think the focus on Haylijah has damaged Hayley’s potential as well, because Haylijah has become such a focus of her character that it has hindered potential development she could have had. Haylijah is a very straightforward classic romance, so Hayley and Elijah both have to fulfill the classic romance hero and romance heroine roles even though those roles don’t really suit them. And because they can’t really venture too far outside of those archetypes it seems to me like their characters have both kind of stalled.
But putting narrative issues aside, I think their relationship is actually really unsettling. I mean, it’s meant to be a straightforward romance but it’s actually a pretty abusive relationship in my opinion. Elijah is a thousand years old and Hayley is barely 20 and has an extremely limited world view. Elijah has been essentially using Hayley’s desire for family to manipulate her into willingly staying in a situation that he knows for a fact will most likely get her killed. Hayley has already experienced physical and psychological harm as a result of her continued presence in New Orleans, so I think that Elijah’s behavior is tantamount to psychological and emotional abuse.
I think it’s also clear in his behavior that he doesn’t really love her and his relationship with her is completely about himself. He idealizes her in a way that has absolutely nothing with the person she is. And to be fair, she does the exact same thing with him. But the big difference to me is that Hayley idealizing Elijah and believing she’s in love with him doesn’t really put him in any danger, whereas Elijah’s “love” of Hayley puts her in mortal danger. It’s not at all acceptable or okay, but he knows exactly how Klaus feels about the situation and he knows the most likely ending to this little tryst if he keeps pushing. But he keeps pushing. So while his love masquerades as benevolent (and I think Elijah may truly believe that he benevolently loves Hayley) it’s really all about Elijah, Hayley is just the prop in the same way that Katherine and Klaus have been his props for hundreds of years before that.
I don’t like how much Elijah manipulates and controls her life, and while I appreciate that she resists sometimes I wish she would resist a little more. It’s just way too close to “oh he controls me because he loves me so much and can’t stand to see me hurt”. There is absolutely nothing romantic about that kind of behavior to me, and I hate that TO completely romanticizes it. I hate that Elijah is meant to be the romantic hero when he’s a holier than thou control freak. And all the watching Hayley from afar without her knowing isn’t sweet or romantic, it’s just fucking creepy.
I’m just generally not one for classic romance stories. I hate The Notebook and all things Nicholas Sparks, so I’m really disinclined to anything that sappy and straightforward like Stelena or Haylijah. But I think the problems with Haylijah run pretty deep and are really alarming, so it actually really freaks me out that they’re playing it out like an aspirational relationship. I can normally deal with messed up scenarios and story lines as long as the fact that they are messed up is acknowledged, but I can’t stand the fact that the problematic aspects of Haylijah are completely ignored, which in turn completely puts me off the entire relationship.
Opinion Time
So yeah, ever since the start of TO I feel like I’m not into Haylijah at all. I’ve always found it incredibly creepy that they have been very clearly fawning over each other from day one, and I’ve found it especially creepy that Elijah doesn’t seem to mind putting the moves on the girl who is pregnant with his brothers child. At least with Hayley I can sort of understand her thought process, she’s always wanted anyone to look out for her and take care of her, but for Elijah to go after her when it’s clear that her attraction to him is based on that desire for comfort and stability, when he has 1,000 years of life experience and she has 20 (and what appears to be an extremely limited, narrow 20), and when he knows how Klaus feels like he lives in the constant shadow of Elijah and the women Elijah chooses over him, is really alarming (and doesn’t really speak towards Elijah having Hayley’s well being at heart).
But honestly I’ve always felt a nagging discomfort beyond all of the obvious problems with Haylijah that I’ve never really been able to pinpoint until now. What I’ve finally realized about their relationship that I find really unsettling is that the only reason Elijah is Team Hayley right now is because Hayley is Team Elijah. Elijah and Hayley are really only getting along because Hayley is always deferring to Elijah and agreeing with everything he says. But seriously, how long do you think their flirtation would last if that wasn’t the case?
Now, I admit I’m slightly biased, because while I wouldn’t call myself a Klaus stan I do feel the irrational need to defend him a lot, and I’ve always kind of disliked Elijah because he’s basically a Klaus who knows how to spin his own PR. He constantly claims honor and nobility over everything, but when honor and nobility get in the way of what he wants he never hesitates to abandon them in favor of his own self-interest. I mean, he constantly fawned over Elena too, but the minute it became in his interest to threaten and hurt her he didn’t even think twice about it (and I’m sorry, but his little pity party about the monsters he and his family became didn’t erase or excuse what he did).
So seriously, how do you think he would be treating Hayley if she weren’t always falling in line? How would he feel about her if she wasn’t constantly giving him those dreamy-eyed stares, but instead was distant and afraid of him? What do you think he would do if she decided she didn’t want the baby around any of the Originals, including him (which I think we can all agree is the only sane thing to do)? Does anyone seriously think for a second that he would just let her go? Of course he wouldn’t, if she ever wanted to leave or get away from him he would treat her exactly like Klaus does, a prisoner. And a gilded cage is still a cage, no matter how pretty it looks from the outside or how willing someone is to be imprisoned. (And to be clear, I think pretty much every TO ship has a major creepy yuck factor, but I think Haylijah is by far the most romanticized and least negatively discussed ship when it’s just as yucky and creepy ship.)
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