Remains of the Day, Episode 15


Dr. Alex Reid (Erica Durance), Dr. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross), and Dr. Rian Larouche (Danso Gordon) could use a little help studying for their surgical board exams – it seems a good teacher goes a long way. So when a high school English teacher comes in for treatment, Alex finds herself receiving a few life lessons
of her own.

Dr. Joel Goran’s (Daniel Gillies) consumed with a patient’s vanishing bones. A patient, who is very particular with her lists has Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) working through a long list of medical reasons as to why she could be flatlining in the OR. Dr. Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden) and Dr. Shahir Hamza (Huse Madhavji) have proof of their own – and Charlie has to come up with a defense that doesn’t rely on the help of a ghost.

The future of a teenage girl rests in Dawn’s hands – and a future she doesn’t know if she’s ready for – weighs heavy on her heart.

Writer: John Krizanc
Director: Eleanor Lindo
Guest Stars: Krystin Pellerin, Paul Braunstein, and Olivia Scriven

@темы: Saving Hope/Не теряя надежды, Новости

29.02.2024 в 03:08

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