Все еще кандидаты на вылет. И смотреть почти не на что, и бросить жалко. Вот и тащу на себе как чемодан без ручек, и тянуть сложно, и бросить жалко)) Во второй части обещали Малефисенту Кристин Бауэрс. И еще Себастиана Роше в какой-то роли. Пока еще поживет, но синопсис стремненький)) Скоро дойдут до Микки Мауса))

Upon allying with Maleficent (whose "resurrection" will be explained), Ursula and a magical Cruella de Vil, the banished Rumplestiltskin will be on "a collision course" with Regina as they all seek out the mysterious, soon-to-be-ID'd storybook Author for a rewrite. As Season 4B explores its overall theme -- "What makes a hero? What makes a villain?" -- watch for an "interesting connection" to be revealed between the Charmings and the Queens of Darkness, August (in multiple episodes) and Ariel will be seen again, we'll meet Aurora's father King Stefan and Ursula's pop aka Poseidon, and "Emma will continue to explore what her particular heritage really means," says cocreator Adam Horowitz, "as we learn that there are more secrets attached to who she was, is and will be."
RETURN DATE: Sunday, March 1 at 8/7c (ABC)