«I was actually kind of surprised they never showed her in the flashbacks during Season 3 after Elijah mentioned her but I don't know that I want to see a second love-triangle with Klaus/Elijah the one they're in with Hayley is bad enough.»
«Don't kid yourself. This isn't anything more relevant than the stated alternatives. Two boys fight over Nina Dobrev? How original.»
«Is this a crossover?lol
I couldn't care less about Tatia.
What do you mean you´re not interesting in another tale of 2 brothers in love with the same woman! i mean it´s never been done before!

I am boring to death.Just kill me

«ewwwwwwww elena gilbert number…?»
«Oh please. NO. MORE. DOPPELGANGERS. Don't you know I watch The Originals to get away from Elena?»
«Exactly!Are these people lost their minds with the doppelgangers and the love triangles???
Nina is awful as Elena now,she was awful as Amara.The only interesting role she had was Katherine.»
«No more doppelgangers.. PLEASE !!»
«This should've been done ages ago. I thought we were promised no more doppelgangers?
Also still waiting for Kol and Finn to feature in a tenth century flashback.»
«Doppelgänger flash back is as exciting as it gets? Nope!! but I do love seeing these guys back in the day. I Hope we get more of thier history without the women drama.»
«So that's the only crossover we'll get? Another freaking doppleganger? No thanks. That is barely a crossover»
Надеюсь, сценаристы это прочитают, и данный поворот этим и ограничится. Как и в будущих поворотах. Боже, пожалуйста, никаких больше возвращений покойников из прошлого! Для сюжета еще как-то катят члены семьи да Катерина (и то не для всех). Но не надо возвращать каждую умершую любовницу двух братьев и безумные и пошлые треугольники! … И закончите уже этот кларолайн… они повсюду, и они достали.