OCTOBER 20, 2015 Exclusives Ferrvorman
Winnipeg, Canada born actor
Daniel Gillies is probably best known for his roles on CWs hit shows,
The Vampire Diaries and it’s spinoff, The Originals, playing charming
vampire, Elijah Mikaelson. He also had a key role in Marvel’s Spider-Man
2, as Peter Parker’s romantic rival, battling for Mary Jane’s love.
Photographer: John Arsenault
Written By: Christian Burkholder
Stylist: Raf Swiader
Grooming: Cooper @ Exclusive Artist, using Mac Cosmetics & Orbie Hair Care
The opposite of his Vampire character, Daniel is a family man. Father
of two, and husband to actress Rachael Leigh Cook, an actor herself,
and one of the 90s and biggest youngest actresses. A bit of a comedian,
both witty and a charmer, Gillies has a very welcoming and positive aura
and appears to be well on his way to becoming one of Hollywood’s most
recognized and notable talents.We had a chance to sit down and talk with
him a bit and get some insights to what’s on his mind these days.
Sweater- John Varvatos, Ring- Daniel’s Own, Bracelet- Daniel’s Own
Christian Burkholder: Daniel, good afternoon, have a
few questions. Since we’re just coming off this photoshoot, tell us,
what is a typical day like for you?
Daniel Gillies: I’m wildly inconsistent. Typically
I’m: Alone. Disorganized. Discontent. Thoroughly exhausted. About 10
minutes late. About to ask a writer to make some changes to Dialogue.
Writing my own material in 24-hour-diners. Violently over-caffeinated.
Working until 3am. Lacking in time for physical exercise or smashing the
shit out of a punching-bag. Falling desperately in Love with my
Daughter making a voice for a stuffed animal or walking on tip-toes
(she’s 2). Laughing my ass off at my Son who thinks that everything in
the World is Hilarious (he’s 6 months). Driving my beautiful wife to
beautiful distraction.
CB: That’s quite a day! Where do you call home at the present moment?
DG: Wherever my wife and children are. Geographically? Los Angeles.
CB: Have to ask, Ferrvor is focused on fashion, but
also being the best you can be, in your opinion, what does it take to be
a Ferrvor Man?
DG: This is my 1st time, around. I think you might be able to answer that better than I. I’m immensely grateful to be selected.
CB: Well, we’re happy to have you, thank you for taking the time. Let’s try this, what does menswear mean to you?
DG: Clothing that’s altogether less interesting than
Womenswear. The design of Female attire is vastly more creative and
daring. I don’t think that’ll change any time soon. It’s understandable:
In the realm of Art, the female figure is so much more pleasing; it
lends itself to the splendor of artistic expression in a way the Male
form can’t. There have been significant shifts in the recent decade,
however. I’ve never enjoyed buying and exploring the world of Male
attire more than I do now. Contemporary Men’s Fashion owes so much more
to the influence and vision of Homosexual culture than it will ever
Coat- John Varvatos, Jeans- A.P.C., Boots- Diesel (Daniel’s Own)
CB: Tie or Bow Tie?
DG: It’s a tie between the 2.
CB: Describe yourself as a father.
DG: New. Terrified. Exhausted. Exhilarated. Hilariously Humbled. Uncool. Inept. In Love.
CB: Well said, my friend. Ok, it’s 20 years from
now, and you need to write three sentences to your son, what would you
say to him?
DG: I’ve never loved anyone more than you, Charlie
and your Mom. Find the ones you laugh with and make an army with these
people. Go to Mars.
Jacket, Vest and Trousers- John Varvatos, Shirt- Ralph Lauren, Hat- CityHats.us, Ring- Daniel’s Own
CB: You’ve been playing Elijah on The Originals, and previously, The
Vampire Diaries, for the last 5 years. What’s been your most memorable
experience playing the charming Vampire?
DG: Your question gives birth to a series of
counter-questions: 1) Define ‘Memorable’, please? 2) Memorable on or off
the set? 3) Memorable as a person while the role was in existence? 4)
Memorable during a Scene? 5) Do you mean the 1st thing that comes to
mind? 6) Do you mean my most challenging moment? 7) Do you mean the most
meaningful or awkward or funny or touching….? etc., etc.
Suit- John Varvatos, Shirt- Ralph Lauren
CB: Fair enough. Did anything happen that was out of the ordinary, or extraordinarily interesting?
DG: I hate to demystify, but our jobs are not
extraordinary. It’s not a memorable experience any more than it’s a
memory for someone who’s a Bricklayer to remember the construction of a
wall. When you’re playing a role, you’re simply doing your job. It’s
like anything else. If you ask the aforementioned Bricklayer to name the
strangest or most inspiring thing that happened to him during the
construction of the wall, he/she might have an answer. But I mean, I
have thousands of memories, playing this protagonist — and the time
spent playing Elijah. One memory is not more outstanding than another.
Without specificity, this question becomes gigantic and casts an
unimaginably enormous net. How about this: Am I grateful to have played
this role? Tremendously.
CB: That was a long way to get to a great answer and
it’s noted. I appreciate your candid insights, it says a lot about who
you are. One last bit on your character – are there any similarities
between yourself & Elijah? If so, what are they?
DG: Very few. We do have similar eyebrows though and
we’re approximately the same height. He’s about 2 inches shorter. We’re
both fans of Ellen Degeneres and Chipotle. We’ve both made love to John
Stamos. (Who hasn’t?!)
Jacket- John Varvatos, Shirt- Ralph Lauren, Hat- CityHats
CB: If you were to bring one of your co-stars on The Originals along
for an Amazon Jungle adventure with you who would it be and why?
DG: For romantic reasons? Charles Michael Davis
(Daniel’s, The Originals, co-star). For the purposes of survival?
Charles Michael Davis. For the design and construction of a 43 acre
Dolph Lundgren Themed Waterpark, replete with towering replicas of Rocky
IV, Masters of the Universe Amusement Gift Arcade and Universal Soldier
Bar and Grill? Probably Charles Michael Davis.
CB: The southern states are known for some good homestyle, southern cooking. What are some of your favorites?
DG: Everything Forbidden. In fact, I recently went
to Italy with my wife. There’s nothing I didn’t want to devour there. If
I could have put the whole country into my face I would have.
Coat- Ermenegildo Zegna, Tee Shirt- Acne Studios
CB: Are you superstitious?
DG: No.
CB: Do you have any words of wisdom or a motto that you live by?
DG: Do your work.
CB: What’s ahead in the horizon for you?
DG: Fatherhood. Filmmaking. Lovemaking (John Stamos).